
Why advertise with Ardziv?

Ardziv Magazine is the essential destination for authoritative commentary, opinion and analysis on the issues that matter to Canadian Armenian youth in the fields of politics, international affairs, social issues, business and culture. The free distribution, both on-line and with physical copies within the Armenian community centres of Canada, coupled with its reputation as consistent source of fresh perspective by Armenian youth means the reach provided by the magazine within the Canadian Armenian community is unparalleled.


1000 copies of each quarterly issue of Ardziv are distributed among the Armenian Community Centres of Toronto, Montreal, Laval, Cambridge, St. Catherines, and Vancouver. Copies of the magazine are also mailed out directly to donors. Issues are also shared on-line to subscribers, and get on average over 2000 views per issue.

Pricing and Technical Specifications

Advertisement Location Size 1 Issue 2 Issues 3 Issues 4 Issues
Full page Back cover 8.5” x 11” $800.00 $1500.00 $2200.00 $3000.00
½ page Inside front cover 5.5” x 8” $400.00 $700.00 $1000.00 $1200.00
Full page Inside page 8.5” x 11” $500.00 $900.00 $1300.00 $1600.00
½ page Inside page 4.25” x 11” Or 5.5” x 8” $200.00 $350.00 $500.00 $650.00
¼ page Inside page 8.5” x 11” $100.00 $175.00 $250.00 $300.00
Banner Inside page 8.5” x 2.5” $100.00 $175.00 $250.00 $300.00


Contact us by email: [email protected] for more details or send in an inquiry here.